Thursday, May 16, 2019

The Banking Concept of Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Banking conceit of Education - Essay ExampleThis has not universally been the case, equivalent e reallyone I arrest benefited from a wide-eyed array of extremely talented teaches who wanted to hear their students ideas, to include their students in discussions and to reinforce to their students that even if they faculty not have as much academic expertise as their professors, their lived experiences may provide them with priceless insights and render their contributions valuable to any class discussion. But the fact remains that most of my teachers used the banking way of education, and probably though that is the best kind of education. This has affects me in a lot of ways, such as qualification me not creative and making my critical thinking worse. But by far the most classic influence this speculation of education has had on me is the fact that it has begun make me oppressive to other people like my teachers were oppressive to me. As mentioned before, oppression make s oppression, and those who have been oppressed kind of naturally let the oppression they have had go through them unless they exit very hard to not let that happen. This means that, though I understand when I think about it that the banking theory of education is inherently oppressive, and separates students from educators in a very bad way, there is probably still a large part of me that thinks education looks like the banking theory of education. This also probably means that whenever I get into an education place, I will have to work hard to stop this oppressive theory of education from coming through me, to make sure that whenever I am teaching someone whether as a peer, an educator or just in the world, I recognize the banking theory of education and try to stop it.... This essay approves that the educator does, in this concept, work as a depositer whose role is to deposit information, narratives, and a lot of other things into the students, who function as banks for the depo siting. Whichever student banks the best, by memorizing the material given to him or her by the teacher, by being able to return the information to the depositer close set(predicate) to the way it was inputed, wins, is the best bank and is rewarded. There atomic number 18 obviously lots and lots of problems with this system, and many of them are really bad (such as the objectification of students, the saying the students experiences arent valuable, and treating them as having no knowledge in and of themselves and not having anything of value to give to the depositer that they were themselves not first given. Any educator who has studied in the past ten-spot year must inherently understand the problems with this system, and yet people fall back into it perpetually.This report makes a conclusion that the banking theory of education still used everywhere, and when most people think of a classroom setting they probably think of the banking theory of education taking place. What this means to people who have been touched by this theory of education is that they must recognize the oppression in it, and work hard to endanger apart this oppression whenever they enter an educational environment. Anything less will simply mean perpetuating this oppression.

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