Monday, April 15, 2019
The use of beauty in Disney movies Essay Example for Free
The social function of beauty in Disney photos Es study maturation up directly virtually children in the US are brought up watching somely Walt Disney movies. The Millennial generation was raised(a) with the Disney renaissance get hold of era, and the bracinger Generation Z is as well as being raised with the classic Disney spuds and the newer films exchangeable tangled and The Princess and the Frog. As kids grow up, they begin to relate mevery of the stories and characters that they were so fond of to effortless things, whether it is their toys or Halloween costumes. along with this is a clear placed biased view on behalf of the Disney corporation that most of the characters that are physically winning or appealing to see at are going to be the full guys, darn the slight attractive characters are typically the bad guys. With this influence everyplace children, it has led to great stereotyping, corpse build problems, an ageism debate, and created greed to wan t to have Disney relate memorabilia. These animated children/family based films have cause much controversy than ever reckoned.In the absolute majority of the Disney films with the main exceptions of The humpback of Notre Dame and Beauty and the Beast, in that respect is a clear and definite difference between good and loathsomeness within the characters simply by their appearances. In 2010, the University of North Carolina and Appalachian State University carried disclose a assume analyzing twenty-one Disney films made since 1938, and asked the participants to prescribe 163 characters on a scale of one to ten in terms of goodness.They were asked to also score them on their attractiveness, intelligence, aggressiveness, quixotic involvement, and their life outcome aka their happily ever after (Leach). In almost every movie, the good characters were the to a greater extent attractive, more intelligent and less(prenominal) aggressive. Some of the characters that exemplified these whimls were Cinderella, Prince charm, Princess Aurora, and the Blue Fairy from Pinocchio.This study appeared in the journal of Applied Social Psychology concluded that, as ratings of beauty increased, so did ratings of friendliness, goodness, intelligence, favorability of the characters outcome, and romantic involvement. (Leach) Using this study as reference, researchers then set out to determine how much the idea of beauty is good and ugly is bad, is based off of a specific film. Forty-two children between the ages of sixer to twelve were put in a different study and had them watch either Cinderella or The Hunchback of Notre Dame.Those two films have both characters that are beautiful and good natured, and also an unconventional hero that is less attractive to the eye. From that researchers then showed the children photographer of other children and were asked what they thought of that person from their experiences, and whether they would want to ever to friends with t hem (Jacobs). Doris Bazzini, Lisa Curtin, Serena Joslin, Shilpa Regan and Denise Martz were the people rotter this extensive project. Bazzini and her colleagues were able to conclude that it didnt matter which film the child watched, their answers were all pretty accordant to each other.The researchers were able to pull that the children all had a greater desire to befriend or prattle to an attractive peer, rated them as being more desirable to be friends with, less the likes ofly to get into any form of trouble, and were seen as being the better person compared to an unattractive peer. These thoughts were not good applied on human characters but also animal ones as well. (Jacobs) Bazzini stated in response to this project, It may face heartening to many parents that a single movie viewing did not induce greater use of the beauty is good stereotype.However, this may be due to the fact that the stereotype has inconsistent depictions of the low-beauty bias film are simply not pot ent enough to unravel a steadily developing proneness to judge attractiveness positively, especially when such stereotypes involve females. The researchers then decided to suggest to parents that these movies should be used in aiding the parents as they teach them valuable life lessons in their young age rather than just letting them watch those movies with no dialogue most what they just watched. (Bazzini) horizontal though these films are animateness and not live action, they have created these images of the human eubstance which have led to people striving to look like people who do not exist in real life. The Disney characters are drawn to look and coincide with their federal agencys within the movie this has led to the Disney Princess Effect. The Walt Disney film corporation has rendered the female leads of their animated motion pictures as archetypes of the perfect female figure. (Travali) This gender/image construction in Disney films is so important because of the messa ges to sends to the main reference children.The messages that these characters give to children are how to act, look, and interact with others. While this can be good, the looks part can lead to full(prenominal) expectations and lower realities. (May) The Disney animators have created the heroines to be perfect in their physique. Almost every Disney heroine has a perfect waistline, a perfectly proportioned face, skin tight or even revealing clothing, and those ever so desirable curves that suck in them wanted by the male characters, or their Prince Charming.These images have last a prime factor in teenage eating disorders and depression because just like Barbie dolls, these unrealistic perfect bodies cannot be actually achieve in real life. (Travali) Young girls feel such pressure from the media to look like perfect Barbie dolls, and with the media Disney is a large part since the female heroines all have these perfect bodies. According to the South Carolina Department of psych ical Health, anorexia is the third most common chronic illness among girls between the ages of 12 to 25.And even sadder is that the mortality rate associated with anorexia is twelve times higher than the average death rate for young girls for all causes of death. (Growing) Young girls buy outfits to look like their favorite Disney characters, whether it is for Halloween or to wear for fun, and they strive to look just like them. Even young boys feel the invite to look like the heroes or Prince Charming, being physically fit and handsome. (Travali) These embody image problems start at a young age thanks to the Disney franchise.A vast majority of children with body image problems start young with their exposure to Disney princesses and their perfect bodies, then over time as they see more media and media begins to mold their ideals for the perfect body. (B. P) This has negatively impacted the self-confidence of todays youth. Growing up on Disney films has created a stereotype of at tractive ideals that most youth have come to expect from society and it often lowers their own confidence when they cannot look like the animated characters or cannot find their Prince Charmings.(B. P) The Disney Princess franchise has molded many youth throughout the years and never received review about heathen diversity until recently. And even since The Princess and the Frog was released in 2009, in that respect is still criticism about the lack of diversity or from the other end of the spectrum, the bias that an African American princess is not a true Disney Princess. (May) Tiana is much different from the other princesses as she is more independent and has future job oriented goals, but of course has the Disney wish for a prince charming.Tiana was the first new princess since the Disney renaissance of the 90s and the first since Mulan was released in 1998. Disney has seek to create Disney princesses that would reach out to a greater racial audience. Creating princesses lik e Mulan, Pocahontas, and Tiana, has shown how the Disney Corporation has branched out to fill ethnic diversity. (May) hardly the Disney franchise is never safe from criticism, they have called out for making the ethnic diverse characters carry in like manner many of the stereotypical rollicks that are associated with their races.From Dumbos crows to the ear cutting barbarians in Aladdin to the savages in Pocahontas, Disney combined racial stereotyping into their characters. (Bartyzel) Another cause of controversy within the Disney Princess franchise has been transforming old characters into newer, sexier ones. courses One and devil show the changes that the corporation has implemented. go in One shows the changes made to characters Mulan and Pocahontas, and Figure Two shows the most controversial change with Merida from the movie Brave.Merida from the movie Brave was a character specifically designed to challenge the Disney princess stereotype, but instead of sticking with thi s endured hero and her making the movie the eighth top grossing film of 2012, Disney decided to give her the princess makeover and officially coronate her into a Disney Princess. The fiery, rebellious Scottish girl that audiences fell in love with was turned from her wild blur and conservative dress into a hardly recognizable character.Her hair was tamed, her breasts enlarged, a smaller waist, and a more form fitting and revealing dress was part of her bonny a certified Disney princess (Bartyzel). And from this transformation, Disney then decided to give all the princesses a new sexier makeover. In Figure One there is the original Mulan in the center top frame, and on either side of her is the new version. She has gone from a young Chinese woman to a girl with regular features, the only Asian aspects are that her skin is pale and the animators gave her Asian eyes.Pocahontas received lighter skin, an elongated face, larger eyes, and more makeup. But these changes did not go unnotic ed by the open. In fact especially over Merida, there was a massive public outrage to the point that Disney released a statement that Meridas makeover was not an official plan but more of a one-time thing to go with her coronation. Disney was not expecting such a public yell to these changes and has even lightened Mulans transformation having her wearing less makeup and the corporation has made no other references to doing any like that again (Bartyzel).Disney princesses can positively affect children in terms of mentality. Minus the body image problems, the more attractive characters are most of the time the bravest characters and great role models for children. While there are the negative aspects of these super attractive, unrealistic characters, they usually are the good guys and were actually transformed role models for the youth. (Klein) Princesses like Mulan, Merida, and Pocahontas are the heroes in their stories. Mulan showed young girls that they could have strength and protect their families and not be seen as the weaker sex.Merida showed girls that they did not have to conform to the princess ideals and instead be a fierce warrior. And Pocahontas showed there should be tranquility between people of other cultures and to take time to understand other customs that may be unfamiliar. (Bartyzel) The appearance of the characters affects children more so than adults. Studies about the attractiveness/unattractiveness of animated cartoon characters have shown that with a abundant audience including children and adults, that the younger audience is more affected by the physical appearance of said characters in relation to their actions.(Klein) Beautiful people are more sterling(prenominal) to those who are not. Psychologists in the archaean seventies first thought that, highly attractive people were smarter, more socially adept and generally superior to the rest of us, and they tend to live happier lives (Jacobs). This harsh stereotype based on looks learned at an early age, impacts peer interaction. Kids begin to associate good looking people as being the good guys, and less attractive people as being the bad guys. The concept of judging a book by its cover. (Bazzini) Disney movies and the media go hand in hand with the ideals of beauty are good.While the media does not constantly suit beauty is good, ugly is bad, in most advertisements, the idea is that sex sells. (Bazzini) The more attractive characters are happier and more apt to live happily ever after. This creates an ideal for youth that the more attractive they are, the more likely they are to find romance and have their own fairy bosh endings. The more attractive a character is, the more likely they are to be loving. While there is a clear exception with this with Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and The Hunchback of Notre Dame, this is an accurate portrayal of most characters.(Klein) Research with kids has shown that they will lean more towards an attractive person. C onsistent outcomes have shown that kids have an overall greater desire to befriend an attractive peer, rate the child as more likely to be in demand(p) as a friend by other children, less likely to get into trouble and as nicer relative to an unattractive peer (Jacobs). The beauty is good, ugly is bad stereotype is not only exceptional to the human vital forces. Studies show that kids even will view the cute, good animal like Flounder in Little Mermaid as the good guy rather than the big, bulky, mean Gantu in Lilo Stich.(Bazzini) The good is beauty and evil is ugly debate also brings ageism into light. In many Disney movies the older characters are portrayed as being more dependent on others or they are not present whatsoever in some films. (Jamieson) The media does not always support the less attractive characters, even if they are the good guys. Disneys Pixars film Up, was turned down by investors and toy manufacturers because the main character was a fussy 78 year old man, w ho by media standards was not commercially attractive.(Jamieson) Disney portrays characters in a one dimensional manner, and leaving out older characters affects children. In a 2007 study at Brigham Young University at Provo, build that animations could be a leading cause to ageism. The persistent portrayal of elders could lead to children forming the wrong impression of their seniors. (Leach) From the study at Brigham Young University, it looked at 93 characters that appeared to be by definition elderly in 43 Disney films going from Snow White to The Lion King.While the majority of these characters were actually good guys in the movies, the more memorable characters were the bad guys. Characters like the Wicked Queen and Cruella de Vil have been accused of creating a negative image for older people as in numerous films they are the villains. Cruella de Vil is seen as one of Disneys most evil character. She is ominous with an unhealthy and frightening interest in the puppies, and h as an obsession with their fur in hundred and one Dalmatians. (Womack) While the movies have good stories of triumph and moral battles, it creates greed.Part of the Disney franchise is to make sure their sell sells, and mostly their film merchandise, the need for movie novelties creates greed with young kids. To need to have more and more. (Wynne-Jones) A clear example of this is Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique at the Disneyland resorts, where girls can be transformed into princesses and boys into princes/knights. This shows the need to look like the film characters and the extremes that the parents will allow their children to go through by paying vast amounts of money to become pretty.Parents anywhere up to almost two hundred dollars for their daughter to be turned a Disney princess. These princess packages include anything from simple makeup to an elaborate, fully detailed princess outfit and getting to meet a Disney princess. (Disneyland) The need for Disney related propaganda has spa rked discussion of whether Disney is exploiting spirituality to sell its products according to Christopher Jamison, the Abbot of Worth in West Sussex. He brings the point that while the stories in the movies do have a moral message to take past from it has in turn created an even more materialistic culture.Fr Jamison believes that stories have messages showing good triumphing over evil he reasons that it is a ruse to convince people that they should buy Disney related products to be like those stories and characters in the films. Films like Sleeping Beauty and 101 Dalmatians have strong moral struggles, and they are also popular in terms of merchandise (Wynne-Jones). Fr Jamison strongly criticizes the Walt Disney Company for their selling tactics of their movie and character products to the public, The message behind every movie and book, behind every theme park and jersey is that our childrens work needs Disney.The Walt Disney Company was founded in 1923 and has grown into one of the worlds biggest frolic companies. To date it owns eleven theme parks around the world, and several television networks. They own networks like first principle, ABC Family, ESPN, ESPN2, and the numerous Disney channels. In addition they have their Hollywood studios that have produced more than two hundred feature films, and have recently purchased Lucasfilm. (Wynne-Jones) While they are entertainment powerhouses, they are now seen as faces of many everyday household items.Disney related items include children foodstuffs like cereal or fruit snacks, to the ever popular Disney related clothing. Almost anything related to infant merchandise has some sort of Disney character on it whether it is clothing to diapers to pacifiers. The public is completely surrounded by the Disney franchise without even realizing it and it has become an engrained part of culture. People will say that these films are a major part of culture and that people are simply reading too far into these films.While this makes sense that it is just people simply overanalyzing these family oriented family films, but these films have very affected the public in many different ways. The Disney films offer an escape from reality and open the accession for imagination for the viewers. But even then the films carry such strong messages that can be interpreted too literally like to be a princess, one must have their Prince Charming otherwise they wont be happy in life. This has led to children having these unrealistic expectations of how their life is going to merriment out like a fairytale.The Walt Disney Company started out so small in 1923 and has since turned into a multi-billion dollar global franchise. Who would have ever thought that a man making simple animation would turn into a global faucet? The Disney movies and franchise need to be careful and start taking into consideration the criticism about their role in media, society and the lives of the growing generations. They are the future , and they are fill with racial stereotyping, unrealistic body images, ageism, and the firm grip on society of a powerful, global corporation.
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