Thursday, May 2, 2019

Video news release Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Video news release - Essay fashion modelThrough undertaking a survey of 77 telecasting stations that broadcasts to 50% of the USA population, the CMD set up that there were 36 scene news release that were aired by these television stations incorporated and disguised as part of their witness news, without disclosing to the audience the authentic source of the video news (). However, the major problem associated with the video news release is that the television stations that broadcasts these types of news fails to balance the clients news with their own independently researched footages, so as to present to the clients the actual status of the clients. More than 75% of the USA heavy(a) population depended on television news to be informed on what is happening around the world. Therefore, the television news that is aired on a daily basis has a great influence on the ability of the people to evaluate everything, ranging from consumer products to government policies (). The gove rnment has also been known for contributing the highest percentage of video news release that ar aired by the television news, while political parties and other politically-based organizations are keen to broadcast their opinions to the public though the use of the video news release. There has been a upstart controversy over the state of the video news release being incorporated within the convening news broadcast by televisions to the public, but the controversial debate has not deterred the television stations from act airing of the fake news (). The controversy has led the U.S. Federal Communications Commission to investigate the go on of the television stations that incorporates corporate clients or the government released video news release as their own news. This resulted to the issuance of the FCCs April 2005 Public Notice, which provided that the television stations must always disclose the sources of their news

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