Sunday, May 19, 2019

Symbolism in the Truman Show

Analyse how 1 or more symbols were utilize to present an strategic idea or ideas. In The Truman Show, directed by Peter Weir, three recurring symbols were used to present important ideas. These motifs the attic, the circle and the chest present important themes, such as entrapment, repeat and an extreme invasion of privacy. These motifs are evident throughout the film, and reinforce the dilettanteish nature of Trumans life. The dome the enclosure where Truman has startd his whole life presents the important idea of entrapment.Trumans hometown of Seahaven is a television set, built under a giant arcological dome in Hollywood. Due to his extreme aquaphobia hale upon him by his fathers tragic drowning, Truman has no way of leaving this isolated community. Truman is trapped, with no mean of escaping his superficial life. Peter Weir utilises birds eye view dicks over the dome to demonstrate the dome in its entirety, and the inescapable nature of it. This shot shows the audience th e true cage-like appearance of Trumans life.His life in the dome is comparable to animals in a zoo he has no privacy, no escape, and is being nonice 24/7. The dome not only symbolises entrapment it is the trap which Truman is caught in. The aeronaut motifs represent the important idea of repetition in Trumans life. Just like the cycle of actors who pass his house Lady flowers dented overhang, his life is revolving in a never- final result circle. Trumans life is boring his days have petty(a) variability from one day to the next. Truman yearns for spay and adventure, but his aspirations are never reached as he continues on this cycle.The filmmaker has used other nib motifs, such as the revolving door and the round-about, observed form a birds eye view shot, to develop the symbolism of Trumans life being a continuous, repetitive loop. These motifs develop the audiences understanding of Trumans life, as they sympathise with his need for change and adventure. Our overall understa nding of Truman is deepened by his need and search for change. Truman is On the air, unaware. This is demonstrated by the lack of privacy, represented by his opening of the chest.When Truman goes into the basement, he thinks he is alone, but in fact, he is being broadcasted live to millions of people around the world. Here we see Truman at his most vulnerable, as he sorts through his hole-and-corner(a) possessions his map of Fiji, Sylvias cardigan, and the collage he constructed of her face. This unknown privacy invasion is shown by the extreme close-up shot of the padlock as he enters his secret combination. Here the audience empathises with Trumans need of privacy with our own. This is used to show the audience Trumans true feelings and makes us realise how genuine he is.Peter Weir has used the dome, the circular motifs and the chest to demonstrate important ideas. The theme of entrapment is represented by the dome, the inescapable structure in which Truman lives. The circular m otifs symbolise repetition and consistency in his life, and the Trumans struggle to break free from this never ending cycle. The theme of an unknown lack of privacy is shown by the shots of Truman in the basement, when he is at his most vulnerable. These ideas not only contribute to the plot, but to the audiences understanding of Truman, and his struggle to break free.

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