Monday, May 6, 2019

Stevens Johnson Syndrome Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Stevens Johnson Syndrome - Essay ExampleRecommendations for managing this conditionStevens-Johnson Syndrome is an hand brake that needs immediate hospitalization in burn or intensive c ar units. The initial sermon in managing this condition is based on determining the cause. In this case, the condition is triggered by medical specialty, thus, discontinuation of the medication is recommended (Sooriakumaran et al. 2006). According to Patterson et al. (2009), early discontinuation of the causative drug has been proven to improve survival rate in affected patient ofs (p. 234). As a precaution, all medications ought to be discontinued, to minimize complications. Next, oral lesions are administered mouthwashes. According to McCance & Huether (2014) anesthetics are used in pain control, as the pain is intense (p. 1627). In addition, the patient must be allowed to rehydrate their bodies via intravenous fluid repletion, the ocular surface is lubricated. The patient has to be given a consu lt by an ophthalmologist because of the eye damage risk (Wright & Spiegel, 2006). Regions which contain shed skin ought to be covered with compresses of Burow or saline solution and tetanus shots must be administered to the patients. Special attention is given to hemodynamic and airway stability. edible also plays a vital role in managing this condition. Proper management entails supportive care to the patient as the treatment is symptomatic. A vital pointer is that the environment must be hygienic and sterile, to retard any infection.

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