Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Evaluating Methods used for Establishing Quality Article

Evaluating Methods used for Establishing Quality - Article ExampleThe detective will rent the use of three different but very crucial evaluation criteria. These include whether the methods of imbeding quality were suitably used, whether all aspects of the methods for establishing quality were described or justified sufficiently, and whether the author should have used additional methods to establish quality. After reading the hold keenly and going through each and every detail, the author is convinced(p) that the methods of establishing quality were used appropriately in this qualitative research paper. For instance, there is evidence in the article that the author has employed a look into in order to collect data and to validate claims when carrying discover the research. In order to validate this claim, the author looked at the paper carefully, and in the methodology section, it is clear that a survey is being used. For example, at the beginning of the methodology section, it is said that the study was performed as a survey containing six formulated questions about the key areas, the causes and the CP of corporate vulnerability in companies upstream and downstream offer chains. The researcher thinks that all aspects of the methods for establishing quality were described or justified sufficiently. This is because all the aspects of surveys (the method used in this case) have been elaborated on in great detail. For instance, the author has covered the research (survey) questions, content synopsis and a discussion of the empirical findings. All these have been accompanied by well elaborated and illustrated examples. The researcher is of the view that the author should not have used additional methods to establish quality. This is because he has picked just sensation method and effectively used it to establish sufficient quality in his paper. The researcher thinks that the degree of authority achieved with one method does not warrant any other(s).

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