Thursday, February 14, 2019

One of the Best Shots Ever Essay -- Narrative Memoir Essays

One of the Best Shots Ever The soft moon rock jumped hit the face of the club, as I moved through impact. All I saw was the perfect arch of the rock as it hurled through the vent and over a piffling rock infested river that runs in front of the unsubdivided green. I had just pulled off one of the best elasticitys ever in my golf career. It all started on a brisk August sunrise. That twenty-four hours I had to get up before the foremost rays of the sun could be noticed on the horizon. I awoke to the droning sound of my green digital alarm clock, and immediately jumped into a hot steaming shower to enkindle me up from a sleepless night. As I jumped out of the shower, I realized that I only had thirty minutes to be on the whole wee and do my morning warm-up. I flew through everything and still had to storage area fifteen minutes for Jim to pick me up. The drive down to Cedaredge took an eternity, since I was ready to get on the golf course. We drove in and noticed that we were the first of our team to arrive. This gave me plenty of time to get ready. I went inside the field of honor glass doors of the clubhouse and received a large, green, plastic lay of rake swellings, picked up my clubs and headed to the driving range. I noticed that as I walked thither was a slight coat of dew on everything. I set my bucket of balls down on the right side of the hitting area where I always went and proceeded to go through my routine. The ground was very supple, but I couldnt even make a divot in it early in the morning because I was so stiff. My swing had not yet gotten adjusted to emotional state each piece of the grass as it went over the ground. The first pellet into the horizon was a promising one. It traveled perfectly with even a little right to left action, or a draw. Then the... ...ine the ball would be traveling on and noticed a crater of a ball mark from a previous shot hit to the green. I fixed the indention in the green so I was ready to putt. I used the red star of my marking to place my ball on the right line. I knew the putt was slick with a foot of assure to the right which was perfect for me since I putt left handed. I bring up my belly putter out of my bag and took my stance over my Hogan ball. I felt my smooth stroke just tap the ball and hear the plunk of it dropping into the earth. I had just planted a small moon rock into the center of the earth. It was no ordinary rock and it happened on the hardest hole I have ever played on a golf course. I knew as soon as my Hogan ball dropped the solar day was mine and all I needed was that one perfect shot (or lucky break of not going in the water) to get me started in my golfing career.

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