Monday, February 18, 2019

A Summery of Organic Chemistry :: essays research papers

A condenser during distillation the vapour passes through a tube that is cooled by waterFractional distillation The process apply to separate a mixture of several liquids, based on their varied boiling pointsAerobic respiration chemical process in which atomic number 8 is used to make energy from carbohydrates (sugars). Also known as aerophilous metabolism, carrell respiration, or aerobic metabolismAnaerobic reparation haoma of respiration in which energy is released from chemical reactions in which free group O takes no partEquation for combustion of an alcohol R-OH (l) + O2 (g) -- CO2 (g) + piss (l)Fermentation In its strictest sense fermentation (scientifically called zymosis) is the energy-yielding anaerobic metabolic sectionalisation of a nutrient molecule, such as glucose, without net oxidation. Fermentation yields lactate, acetic acid, ethanol, or some other simple product. jail cell tissue layer The outer(a) boundary of the cell. The cell membrane helps control what bosoms enter or breathe out the cellEndoplasmic reticulum network of membranous tubules in the cytoplasm of a cell involved in the production of phospholipids, proteins, and other functions. Rough ER is studded with ribosomes smooth ER is not.Golgi apparatus An organelle in eucaryotic cells pick outing cells consisting of stacks of membranes that modify, store, and route products of the endoplasmic reticulumRibosomes Small cellular components composed of specialise ribosomal RNA and protein site of protein synthesis. See ribonucleic acidCentriole Paired cellular organelle which functions in the organization of the mitotic spindle during cell division in eukaryotesMitochondria The mitochondria be the principal energy source of the cell. Mitochondria convert nutrients into energy as strong as doing many other specialized tasksCytoplasm the cellular substance outside the nucleus in which the cells organelles are suspended marrow the nucleus is an organelle, found in most euca ryotic cells, which contains most of the cells genetic material. Nuclei have two primary functions to control chemical reactions in spite of appearance the cytoplasm and to store information needed for cellular divisionVacuoles A membrane-enclosed sac taking up most of the interior of a get along correct cell and containing a variety of substances important in plant reproduction, growth, and developmentChloroplasts Disk-like organelles with a double membrane found in eukaryotic plant cells contain thylakoids and are the site of photosynthesis. ATP is generated during photosynthesis by chemiosmosis.Cell wall Structure produced by some cells outside their cell membrane variously composed of chitin, peptidoglycan, or cellulose.Organelle specialized subcellular structure having a special function eg mitochondria.23/46 chromosomes Egg and sperm cells contain 23 chromosomes, made up of 22 autosomes and either an X or a Y.

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