Saturday, August 3, 2019

Low Jobs :: essays research papers fc

LOST REWARD IF FOUND Higher Paying Jobs   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are too many low paying jobs here in San Antonio. If this continues we will see San Antonio's economy decline and this city will become nothing but a low income tourism town. The military presence at one time gave San Antonio its backbone to fall back to. With the closing of Kelly Air Force base that backbone is now diminishing. Many skilled labor workers, some who worked at the base for many years were forced to go back into a workforce, which did not pay as much as they were used to making at the base. Unfortunately, being a tourism town also brings with it the low service/low paying jobs and we are dependent on outside money to stimulate the local economy. You always hear about new jobs coming to San Antonio, but the majority of them are companies looking for low skilled workers. What is the Economic development foundation doing to attract big business here? What are our leaders thinking when they say they are promoting San Antonio and pushing for more jo bs? Is this what they deliver, more hotels and restaurants so we can continue to serve the rich? We must focus on luring new big businesses with higher skilled/high wage jobs. We must also educate our workforce to be able to compete for those positions.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The primary fix to this problem is to bring high-income jobs to San Antonio. We need more jobs such as those in technology, industry, finance and healthcare. Cities like Dallas, Austin and Houston have been successful in attracting large corporations in bringing high-income jobs into their cities. We must be as creative if not more when convincing companies to move here. If we can offer hotels tax abatements to lure them into building here, why cant we do the same for high skilled worker type companies that want to make San Antonio a home. Cities such as Dallas and Houston suffer from things like high cost of living, crime, pollution and bad traffic. These items should be carrots for us when companies are looking for a place to move into. Consider the following average annual salaries in San Antonio during 1998, a housekeeping supervisor earns around $17,600, a waitress about $12,550,an electronic engineer $57,290, financial managers $56,610, and medical scientist s around $70,060. Looking at the previous salaries it is safe to say the here in San Antonio there is a wide disparity of salaries.

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