Thursday, August 8, 2019

Frequency Distribution Graph Statistics Project

Frequency Distribution Graph - Statistics Project Example More so, descriptive statistics establishes the mean, mode and median central tendency useful in measure of variability that includes the minimum and maximum numbers, variance, kurtosis and degree of skewness (Tochim & Donnelly, 2006). Significantly, histogram and frequency distribution graph provides information for finding the central tendency and measure of variability. As a result, descriptive statistics deals with the frequency distributions, average, variability and transformed scores to be plotted in the histogram hence providing pictorial information of the scores. Therefore, it is important to interpret the frequency distributions for the variables and changes in the descriptive statistics. More significantly, descriptive statistics present how scores are centrally inclined and vary within the histogram. As a result, the scores of both genders are represented in the histograms, and a representation of the distribution of the scores is created. In addition, it provides information of each genders mean, mode, median, degree of skewness, kurtosis and minimum and maximum numbers in the scores provided. More extensively, the scores of male remain concentrated around the average point of the curve, most appearing number and the middle number of their scores. As a result, it gives descriptive information on the scores of male that are asymmetrically distributed given that the left side of the polygon is less than the right part hence its asymmetrically distributed. Nonetheless, the females scores are normally distributed because the right side of the polygon is equal distributed with the left as a result, it remains symmetrically distributed. More so, the peak of males score is sharper hence, the kurtosis remains positive. On the other hand, the female scores are distributed normally, and the peak is less sharp hence, the scores are not concentrated around the mean As a result, the scores have been presented based on the

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